Despite happily charging me a subscription fee every month, Wouldn't let me log in even after deleting and reinstalling/ changing password etc. Not good enough.
An essential tool for all Ambulance staff and upon which we rely. I understand that costs rise but to increase the subscription by £10 is a bit steep, and with no explanation given.
This app worked for me whilst in scenarios at university and I was pleased with the U.I. unfortunately when I needed to look at my cpgs during an emergency whilst I was off-duty, this app wouldn't let me access the CPGs even though I had a current subscription. Unreliable. Disappointing.
A price increase of 80%+. Robbing greedy people taking advantage of medics. Looks like we are an easy target for everyone, the Government, the NHS and now these. Hope you are proud of yourselves. Buy a hard copy, don't reward thieves....
Fantastic and useful app has helped me both on the road and as a student para... unfortunately it is not worth the HUGE price hike from 19.99 to 35.99 definitely not worth the £16 increase especially as it doesn't have to choice for trust specifics and the different PGDs on drugs and info extremely disappointing decided to do this I would have been happy to continue to pay £19.99.
Yes this app is good, HOWEVER, its was 19.99 a year and has now jumped to 35.99 that's nearly DOUBLE ! As a student I struggle enough as it is and this is now unaffordable for me. So now i will have to rely on whichever copy of the pocket book I have which unfortunately doesnt have updates. How can you justify the jump up of 15.99 when the original was 19.99?!? I am unable to attach the screen shot here and therefore am emailing it to you , the price increase to 35.99 is highlighted in red.
£3.99 per month? Not happening.
Do these guidelines apply to the london ambulance service?
£19.99 was expensive enough, with an increase in November 2019 by 50% to £29.99 PER YEAR. What do we get with this increase??? Cornered market with no other option... this is how you take advantage boys and girls. Well done Class Publishing, outdone yourselves!!!
Very useful,